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Crazy Dog: Pooch, which bit through an electrical cable wins for bravery [2012-01-10]

Puppies FLASH sent sparks when bitten by an electric cable.

But his moment of madness extends to nine months, the vet English Springer Spaniel now brings the most courageous animals, Glasgow, for his incredible endurance of a painful burn care and rehabilitation.

Pet cat Ash, also from Glasgow, won in the category Cat bravely for the way he treated his treatment of lymphoma.

Flash and Ash were both treated in hospital today in Glasgow veterinary references.

Reference Small Animal Surgery Clinic Dr Liz Welsh, who had treated and named Flash said: "Flash wonderful puppy who is very lucky to be alive.

"Life in His name, he chewed on an electrical cord as a puppy six weeks and ended with massive thermal injury to the mouth. It is two-thirds of the tongue, teeth, and lost most of its hard palate.

"He had to undergo extensive reconstructive surgerey, but it goes well.

"I have a lot of animals in the past year had to be treated, but complains of lush small dogs and has never crashed, no matter what.

"Flash has come to mind as a worthy candidate for the most courageous animals.

"Even a small defect, which remains in the mouth, I'm glad he's gone from strength to strength."

European veterinary oncology specialist Dr. Chiara contracts Penzo and called Ash.

Dr Penzo said: "As a very young cat, Ash was the consequences of serious illness and was quickly diagnosed with a form of lymphoma - cancer of the lymphatic system, which is rare in cats.

"He recovered quickly after chemotherapy was initiated and from there.

"It comes in every three weeks for review and further doses of chemotherapy and are always friendly and happy.

"Ash is an example of how an animal is seriously ill and recover fully enjoy the good quality of life despite the disease is diagnosed with an incurable disease."